Surprise Breakfast

Today is the surprise breakfast for Great-Grandpa F’laker. Everyone put on their blue shirts and waited in the lobby for him to arrive. He was so surprised and happy to see everyone.

We ate in the restaurant and there must have been 40 of us there. A big group, what a nightmare for the staff. Daddy ordered hash for me to eat. How gross. I would not eat it. He said I had to since I made him go to the sushi restaurant. After breakfast most of the adults went to the casinos and I went with the kids and cousins to the mall. Half shopped and the other half went to the movies there. By the time we returned Grandma and Laura had arrived. The rest of the day was dedicated to the pool. We ate pizza and swam until late. It was loads of fun.  Today's Temperatures High: 110 2:18pm low: 82 11:45pm


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