Make that a XXX

There is tons 'o porn all over this country. We have noticed that driving across the country by interstate you will encounter a minimum of one GIANT billboard advertising some sort of Men's club. No matter where you are in this wholesome country one of those terrible signs will be seen.

For example there was this XXX place out in the middle of west Texas; I know it was a porn establishment due to the excessively large red XXX hanging on the old grain silos. No where near a large city, all by itself, a vast emptiness all around. It boasted of being open 24 hours filled with pretty girls.

I can hear it now: "Wake up Lorleen. We got us some customers."

Of all places I didn't expect to see these signs I was amazed by another mid-western state. In the hearty Bible-belt of Indiana there are hundreds of signs. Indiana had the most ads for those sort of places. They beat out Ohio. Amazing. It was almost, no actually it was rather bothersome. I could not believe the number of Adult establishment signs along the interstate. This was certainly an eye opening trip.

Makes me re-evaulate the phrase "Family vacation, let's hit the road." Maybe we should just stay home.


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