Happy Thanksgiving 2005

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. We miss you all and are thinking of you.

Yet I will admit I don't miss the driving and traffic. It is nice to enjoy a holiday and rest. Our friends Judith and Eric were kind enough to join us this Thanksgiving.

Daddy and the girls made turkey table decorations. Daddy cut out paper feathers and the girls used glue to create turkeys out of a paper towel tube. Daddy learned how to fold the dinner napkins into turkeys and set a beautiful table. This all happened between commercial breaks of course, wouldn't want to miss any football.

As I maintained the food prep in the kitchen I had some moments to catch up on reading. As the turkey became close to completion the house filled with Thanksgiving smells. The girls marched around the house chanting "Turkey, turkey!" only to not eat one bite of it. They ate rolls slathered with butter and a mouthful of vegetables. So much for hoping for a filling meal.

The food was great company was better and it was enjoyable all around.


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