Pink scarf

My first attempt at knitting has resulted in success. I have completed my first scarf. A pink beauty for my Leah. She was so pleased and couldn't wait to give it a try. She even slept with it last night. Awww. I'm going to make one for Olivia, need to get more yarn, Leah's scarf pretty much used the whole skein. I am working on another in a brown acrylic. It's going to take a while, and at least another skein of yarn good thing I bought two.

The kitty Gaea loves when I knit. It's the best time for her to snuggle up with me. When she sees me grab my basket she perks up and eagerly awaits the set up. And then jumps up and sits next to me. Ahh. Nothing like knitting with a warm kitty on a cold day.


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