Because I really don't have enough to do today

Why is the day before your vacation so busy? I always seem to bite off more than I can chew.

My TO DO list for the day:

1.Take girls to school 9am
2. Target; get Narnia, sunblock, pull-ups, Easter candy, some other stuff
3. finish laundry we need clean undies for the trip
4. pack suitcases
5. gather and pack makeup and personal stuff for all
6. find beach stuff and pack it
7. collect things for the car: entertainment stuff
8. find a few snacks
9. books to read
10. get knitting stuff together
11. pack all the stuff above in the van
12. take Leah to gymnastics at 330pm
13. take girls to ice skating lessons 6pm
14. litter box cleaned
15. water plants
16. take out trash
17. leave note for neighbors
18. HOA; write checks, deposit checks, mail letters, file old paperwork
19. bake banana bread
20. clean house

What did I get done? Well, only the minimum required for the trip, mostly the packing. So much to do always right before the trip.

Why am I so stressed out again? Because I spent part of the afternoon sitting in traffic taking the girls to their lessons. We should have skipped that. Oh yeah another reason: because I have to pack everything for four people, ensuring they all have enough clothing and stuff to go along on this trip.



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