House = Sold

We sold our home. Yea! No more cleaning like mad everyday. I can let the laundry sit in the baskets and fold it whenever. Socks can linger all over the floor and the trash can be taken out when it's full not every day. Hey I also get my weekends back. No more being forced to leave all day long.

Except that we are no longer homeowners with a home. Or well, at least until the new home is finished. So this is scary. We are renters again. I hate the insecurity of not being in my own home. I understand that a part of the contract is that we rent back until our new home is done....but the house is not ours anymore and's not ours. Good thing is that we are not responsible for any repairs that need to be done if they need to be done. Did I mention it's not my home anymore. I am so having a hard time with the house not being ours. My first house. It was sold.

The next few months will be wild. I have to get more boxes packed and start to think about colors for a new home and prepare for a move in 3 months.


Anonymous said…
Woohoo! Congratulations. Now you can live in sloth and indolence like we do!
Yvonne said…
Thanks! And we are EVER so looking forward to that.
Judith said…
Fabulous news! Party at the F'lakers!

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