
I love is a snowy cold day.
I love that......we do not have to go anywhere.
I love that......I can spend the day with my family and not at work.
I love girls have made me Valentine's Day cards.
I love husband was concerned that my surprise won't be delivered due to the weather.
I love that......he's still worried about it.
I love that......the girls had fun playing in the snow.
I love that......the wind is blowing and the sun is shining yet it's still cold outside.
I love that......I've had a fire going since 11am and will keep it going until bedtime.
I love that......I can watch my girls play dress-up.
I love kitty wants to snuggle on the couch with me.
I love that......I can watch the birds singing songs in the sunshine.
I love that......I did some housework....but not too much.
I love that......finally potted those houseplants desperately needing larger pots.
I love that......the packages filled with goodies from the grandparents arrived today.
I love that......I was able to drink my coffee in relaxed bliss.
I love that......leftover Indian food was my lunch.
I love that......there were still a few pieces of good chocolate for an after lunch treat.
I love that......I still have time to read and knit before the day is over.
I love that......the Mourning dove pair frequents my yard even on cold winter days.
I love girls play together all day long.
I love that......there's plenty of love in this little house.


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