I resolve some things

I'd like to talk like a pirate more often. It is just that funny to be that strange.

Improve my knitting skills. I've been blessed with more time yet have not taken advantage of that to dedicate to knitting more. Rather I've been knitting less. Must be that I'm less stressed.

I'd like to be a better bread baker. Mmm bread.

Read more books. Yeah, that would be great. I'd like to find a branch of my local public library system that isn't too far away and carries non-craptastic novels. Another reason why I miss library work.

Return to my vegetarian cooking roots. I barley remember those things I used to cook and eat before the husband came into my life. Less meat and more vegetables.

Get back into the library game again. Okay so I willingly gave up my super stressful job (that I dearly loved despite the fact it was affecting my health mentally and physically) at a Washington DC library to be home with the children and begin Masters work in Library Science. Except that I freakin' miss the profession and am feeling the pain of withdrawal. I have to seek out some more decent volunteer library work.

Paint my house. Or at least some of it. And I am going to count paying someone else to do this as an acceptable means of completing this goal.

I'd like to actually use a good portion of the food in my pantry. This has been a reoccurring goal. One surely I'll be least likely to commit to.

Remember how to bird. I know it's up there in my head. I just need to get it back out and be the birder I once was in my biology nerd girl days.


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