Another holiday coming

There's this thing that has been happening. Time. It passes. I looked at the calendar and realized that Valentine's Day is a month away. I have just gotten used to not seeing my Christmas decorations around the house. One of the things I'd like to get done this week is getting some of those Valentines up. Little hearts dangling around sure could make the coming of Spring seem so much more exciting. Though I still hope for some real snow.

Considering the time I still have until February 14 perhaps a new Valentine's craft is a good idea. I have been looking around for something I like. Haven't had much luck. I'd like something that will be good to bring out every year. The color pink is the basis of this holiday which makes my littlest girl very excited. What's more fun than decorating your whole house in pink hearts? If she had her way our house would be all pink and purple. I should consult her ideas, there just might a few good ones in her head. I envision more garland type things. Garland is easy to hang and often makes a good impression. The goal is to have a balance between tasteful and tacky. We'll see how it ends up.


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