Muffin tins and snacks

I came across this some time ago but I re-read about it which reminded me that it's an excellent idea. The blog Muffin Tin Mom is full of great ways to use a muffin tin to feed your kids. It has been called muffin tin meals. You fill up the muffin tin with an assortment of good for them food and allow your children to put together their own meal. Very clever and just the thing for picky eaters. The blog has loads of great ideas giving themes every Monday. I think that this is a fantastic way for Grownups to eat better too. Fill a tin with some fresh veggies, a dip some fruit and crackers and you have a great snack selection. The small portion size will help keep everything in perspective so if you want to toss in a few sweeties that's ok. Go take a look at the Muffin Tin Mom blog and see how much fun it can be.


Unknown said…
Loving this idea! Definitely adding this one to my reader.

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