Things to do Thursday

I certainly made the most of today. I began by transplanting a too large for its current spot Shasta daisy to the front garden. It was put in last summer and just by looking at it I could tell it was going to crowd my day-lily and sage. I'm actually quite please with the change. The front flowerbed needed another large plant to help anchor some of that soil in place and with this daisy's big root ball it was the perfect solution. There are plenty of gaps still to fill in the front flower bed but I have all season to find new plants to place. Interestingly a new friend called me today asking if she could stop by tomorrow to see my yard. She has a well groomed yard and is an avid gardener and with 31 years of living in her rural home she has a plethora of goodies to pass on. That my friends is music to my ears. I can't wait to have her over to fill me in on what should be perfect for my yard. Which is fantastically exciting. That's what I love about gardening. Being able to move plants around and change your yard's look. I'm glad that I waited to sow some poppy, lavender and coreopsis seeds. Those would have been wasted now that I've got some prospective plants to place in the garden. After I moved the daisy I sowed some impatien, for-get-me-not, and sweet pea seeds along the garage. That tiny little space is the only shady spot flower bed I have. As it is already filled with the hostas from a friend and those harvested from around my front tree there was little space to spare. Perfect for spreading some seeds. We'll see if they grow, I've had them quite a while and just never got around to using them. Finally my last garden task for the day was putting in tee-pees for the sugar snap and sweet peas. The seeds finally sprouted and in no time they will need something to climb. I thought about using some tomato cages but I'll need those pretty soon so I made tee-pees out of bamboo stakes. It was super easy and will be just the thing for them to grow up. 

Once my garden chores were finished I faced the mess indoors. I had several hours to burn while I waited for Leah's new bed to arrive so I swept and mopped (most) of the floors. That felt good to do. The floors have really taken on a very annoying dirty look which is only a result of our spending time out in the dirt only to bring some in with us. I am glad we have no carpet on the main floor otherwise we'd have to have it shampooed. I could only imagine what it would look like. I even did 3 loads of laundry, dusted and wiped down all the window sills. I can't believe how much I did since not 2 weeks ago it took tremendous effort to get one load of laundry done. I feel better knowing that I was able to get some spring cleaning complete. The main floor is all done which means I need to clear out that junk filled office to make it a nursery. That is not going to be fun. I bet I could find a 100 other things to do to avoid that office mess.

There for a while I was getting worried that the delivery folks were going to show up just before school let out. The worst time for me since I had been buzzing around the house trying to keep busy so I wouldn't think about how I needed to go to Costco for snacks. This weekend Olivia's soccer team has its first game and we have to bring the after game snack. The bonus there's an allergy on the team so that makes finding stuff even more of a chore. All went well. Right after lunch the bed came and they were super quick which gave me plenty of time to make the run over to the store. I packed up the snack sacks and that is one less thing I need to do. Well, I'll still need to slice up oranges but that will wait until tomorrow afternoon when I'll have the cooler all ready to go with water and ice. It's going to be hot Saturday so I bet the girls are really going to want cold water and oranges to cool off with during half time.

Now that pretty much everything I wanted to get done is complete I'm ready to catch up with a book. I planned on doing a ground turkey stir fry wrapped in lettuce leaves but I'm too tired to chop up some Bok Choy and fire up that wok. I'll make that tomorrow and I'll get all the prep done before my friend stops by tomorrow morning. Instead of stir-fry we're having oven subs and a salad. That will be easy to make and I can take the rest of the evening to enjoy not working.Oh, and maybe I'll watch those predicted thunderstorms pass through.

What have you done today? Or this week? Been busy or slow?


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