Mid-week sup

Mid-week and we've done so much already. The girls are in vacation bible school this week, me too, I'm teaching the first and second grade class. Our day is packed full of activities which has me wiped out by day's end. It might have more to do with my twenty 5-7 year old kids in my class rather than the activities themselves. I've got a handful of very energetic chatty kids which are so eager to "help" that it ends up more of an argument about who gets to "help". It's that age. Ever so helpful paired with extreme passion. I'm left being the mediator most days. Rotating helpers does not work as they all seem to "forget" or think that the helpers are lacking in effort that the others want to help the helpers help me. So basically it's a circus in my classroom every day.

All the busy things we do all day at camp and my girls still want to do many more things. I've been asked several times about play dates, sleep overs, pool visits, bike rides, library, and so much more. I'm glad they have the energy to keep on going. It's just Mama can't keep up that pace. Not after having a classroom of helpers with big plans too. Our big idea of the week is to have a pizza supper at the pool. That went out the window. We arrived in hot sunny skies and ended with buckets of rain. At least the girls were able to get in 30 minutes of swimming. Not as much as we were thinking but still enough to cool off and relax. Afterward we decided to go to our favorite local pizza joint to get a slice of pizza. I've hooked them on the deep dish pizza. I had a piece about a month ago they took one bite and now love it. Our pizza place is very generous with its slices so we were "stuffed up" as Olivia says. I'm glad they were willing to try a new pizza and since we've been stopping in there every so often for a quick lunch or early supper they have been so adventurous. Each time the girls check out the slice of the day choices to ask about a new flavor. Sometimes they go for something new and other times Mama gets the new flavor just in case it turns out not to be their favorite. So far they love the deep dish veggie slices with mushroom, spinach and tomato. Olivia discovered that a white pizza is pretty good. Leah is fond of the white pizza too but she's likes a pineapple and ham slice. I'm just glad they are so willing to go with something other than plain cheese.


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