Nifty Ideas: For Nursing Mothers

Another round of fantastic nifty ideas I have discovered. You too may become inspired by these nifty things and in turn create your own. If you have any of your own nifty ideas please share them with me I'd love to learn about what is nifty to you!

Adelynn is my third child and the third one I've nursed. Each girl was different in their needs and wants. I have yet to learn all of Adelynn's preferences as she is still very young. 

One thing I couldn't live without is a breast pump. For those days when she sleeps a little longer and my supply is in need of relief a good pump is a must. I love my Avent Manual Breast pump. It's easy to use and clean. I can pack it with me if I need to and it's quiet. I have used it so much that it was well worth its price. I have an electric pump too but this one is my workhorse. It's a great choice for any nursing mother.

One word: Lansinoh. This is a lifesaver for breastfeeding Mothers. Oh how your breasts will thank you after using this product. The first week of nursing is the roughest. Having this cream to soothe those cracks is a must. I like that it's safe for baby and does not require being removed before you nurse. (What a great thing for middle of the night feedings!) One tube will last you a long time, or you may not even use it all, but there are other uses for it. Check out this list. Basically it's a great alternative cream to soothe cracked skin anywhere on your body. Also works on pets too! For their winter paws.

When you have a baby at some point you'll need to nurse in public. It happens. I've always used receiving blankets but I like the idea of having something more secure. That does not seem important when you're nursing a newborn but a fidgety 6 month old will change your mind. There are so many nursing cover makers that there's one for every person. Having something that stays on is so relieving. I can say from experience that a windy day and a fussy baby are not a good mix.


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