Corners of my home: Leah's room

A child's room is full of personality. I try to allow the girls to enjoy their mess to a point. As with Olivia's room Leah too has quite a delightful mess on her floor. With that in mind we will venture high in her room. I want to focus on her desk area. I am doing this not to highlight the mess but rather to remember the careless lifestyle of a 5th grade girl. This fall she enters middle school and things (Oh the things) will change. Her taking steps toward adulthood will slowly make an appearance in the way she uses her room. She will no longer be able to stack up toys and other items on her desk because she will need it free and clear for homework. I love her quirky posting of important info on her pushpin bar. Notes from friends, photographs, things. All important to her. The beaver print is from John W. Golden. I love his work and this was such a great print from his Woodland Critters series. It sits on her desk until we can find a place to hang it in her room. That shelf of horses may no longer there this time next year. Those horses may be replaced with books or pictures of her friends. Her bulletin board will change too. Instead of having pictures of her and family it will be filled with cool things teens like. The kitty calendar will disappear too. I am pausing today to remember. This disorganized space is that of a 10 year old girl with broad interests and dreams. This is a reminder of the little girl she is now but will soon be the snapshot of the little girl she was.


wealhtheow said…
I get so verklempt when I think of my little Leah going into middle school! I remember how she used to run alongside the car waving when I got home from work back in the day. Love that girl, and as much as I miss "little Leah" I can't wait to see the young lady she is turning into. We are so blessed to be a part of your lives!

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