10 days of knitting to go

In 10 days I need to have about 100 things done. I'm not the only one. I share this insanity with several people all over the planet. Most of my things to do will be left undone. And, I'm ok with that. Really I am. I have come to realize that for an over achiever like me even I can't do EVERYTHING. So I have to ask myself what are the things I must do. Those I will make the time to finish. The next category is want to do things. That group is jam packed full of all kinds of knitted lovelies that will mostly be left half way complete.

At this point I have to get one knitted project done. Leah's Hermoine hat has been on my must give it to her by Christmas priority list. I should have been done with it weeks and weeks ago but my free time has been not as I expected. At any rate that hat will be done and it will be beautifully wrapped and under the tree by Christmas Eve. I wanted to complete Leah's yellow lace scarf too. It's 2/3 complete and unlikely to make it under the tree. I have been putting this project off for years. It's one of those fab projects where I chose the wrong yarn. The color is perfect. The yarn itself not so much. It's texture makes for a slower knitting process and it really annoys me for some reason. Despite that annoyance I have told myself that I met get that scarf complete for the current winter season. Perhaps by New Year's day. There is another scarf for her too. A more practical one made from acrylic meant to be a perfect ski scarf. That one is half done and was never an exciting project. Getting it done is just something I need to do so that I can get those needles out of my project basket. Besides with XC skiing just weeks away she's going to need a nice cosy scarf to wrap around her face. The mindlessness of that scarf has prevented me from working on it. I do like a knitting challenge. I just have to dig it out and set it by the TV so I can get a few rows done every day. Better yet I could just show Leah how to knit again and she can finish it. That would be an awesome solution.

Not to leave Olivia out of the knitty fun I planned to make her a purple cabled hat. Purple being her new favorite color I thought it would be fun to make her something different. She loves my knitted hats and by now she has several to choose from. I doubt this hat will be under the tree by Christmas but perhaps before the end of the XC ski season.

Adelynn needs more hats. Hats she won't wear. Hats she needs to wear. For her I have 3 partially knitted. All different and all experiments in new patterns. I just need to make a commitment and get one finished so that she will have one to wear by Christmas. My problem with her hats has been sizing misjudgments. The few I have made were too small. I think the reason for my misjudgment has to do with making so many infant sized hats for her last season. Now that she is in toddler land I need to adjust my mind around the growing girl she is now. Her hats take a day to make so those sizing mistakes just end of being my gift hats for new mothers.

Instead of fussing about what I need to do I need to get to it! Here goes my needles clickity-clack clickity-clack.


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