Radish picker

We are nearing the end of our lovely garden season. There are a few weeks yet of warm enough temperatures that some of our veggies will continue to grow. I let them have at it until the first frost. I trust that they will make the best of the sunshine putting a good effort into making us some good veg to harvest.

Although I am really the only one in this house that likes to eat radishes I can't figure out why I insist on planting so many. Far too many. I love them in salads and they go very well in chicken salad especially if you are not one to enjoy raw celery. There comes a point though. Thank goodness my dear neighbor loves them too and is willing to find a place for them in her home. Addie and her big sisters love to pick radishes. I do too! They are fun to pick. I have been letting ours grow for as long as they can and now with nearly all of them pushing themselves up out of the dirt it is time to collect them. I handed Addie a bucket, pointed her to the garden, and happily she began to pick. I have come to love this cycle of learning for my children. We tend our soil in early spring, dig it deep, turn it over, sow our seeds, let them grow. The whole process of growing your own food is so rewarding. Each year we learn something new about what works, what could be done better, and what never to grow again. We may not have the space to fully feed our family from our garden but has become a place where we all can contribute.


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