Picky, picky, tummy

Well, just like that my eager to eat baby girl has been replaced with a suspicious toddler. The desire to eat not much more than the same 5 things every day has set in with a firm stance. Each day she requests the same thing for every meal. Then when she tires of eating it she moves on to another food.

I am not going to let this make me crazy. I have ridden that crazy train and it does not have room for me this time around. I realize that Adelynn is a person who has preferences and has been insistent to clearly communicate those to me. Despite how easy it is for toddler eating habits to make any parent nuts I'm going to try to take advantage of her picky tendencies. If anything this is going to make my meal planning become more planned. Not one to "plan" a meal I am finding this option to be rather bothersome. At the very least I need to keep in mind providing one item at supper that Adelynn will want to eat. If I have learned anything from the older girls it's this: small is preferred. Using small portions with a few options is key for my girl to accept a meal. She's not a big fan of much more than pasta, grains, dairy, and fruits. From that I will take my cues in putting a plate together for her. I think I'll end up with something like Baby tapas! Ok, so that can become complicated if I let it get out of hand but I'm trying to make a decent effort to maintain sanity.

When it comes to feeding children I've learned that the only person who is affected by this picky tummy issue is me, the Mama (or Dad). My two year old does not care if she is eating a balanced meal at supper time. Adelynn is only about eating as a way to provide nourishment to her body. Instead of lamenting about what she's NOT eating I'm going to focus on what she IS eating. I need to look at the foods she eats through the course of a week instead of what happens to be eaten from her plate each day. So what if she ate 16 ounces of homemade applesauce today. Or who cares that she eats 12 ounces of yogurt each day. EVERY day. And I'm not going to count the number of bananas she ate on Monday. It does not matter that she wouldn't eat anything but a ceral bar for supper. I have lived through the pickiest of my girls and today Miss Leah is a champion eater making good choices each meal. I have to admit when Leah was 2 we seriously dobuted she would ever eat anything but plain noodles, dairy, and blueberries. Somehow Leah branched out, ate a varied diet, and grew up just fine. As will Adelynn. She will be just as selective with her food being steadfast in her determiniation to eat certain foods. So, I will take a breath, consider what she refuses at that moment and find some sort of compromise. She will eat if she's hungry even if that means she is eating 17 goldfish crackers, a piece of banana, and drinking a cup of orange juice. She will be nourished. She will thrive. She will be fine.


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