Hickory Dickory

Nursery Rhymes are stories many of us tend not to think about after kindergarten. Is it because we classify them as being for the very young? Until you have small children in your life the door to nursery rhymes is closed. Up until yesterday I had forgotten how exciting the repetition is for a small child. The pattern of sounds coming together to tell a story is a pathway to growing imagination.

At pre-school the lesson of the day was about time so what better way to bring up time and clocks than with the Hickory Dickory Dock nursery rhyme. It came complete with a cheerful clock and a mouse on a popsicle stick. Making a nursery rhyme into an action is perfect for 2-3 year olds. Oh the fun you can have with a mouse needing to climb a clock in a hurry. That popsicle mouse has found its way all over our home, car, church, and various stores around town. That is a busy mouse indeed.

I am thinking to myself why have I not been reading them to Adelynn. We have been reading many other books. Stories about just any type of thing out there that a three year old is fascinated with. If you are curious what they would be it's mostly princesses, trains, and animals. Oh and plenty of Dr. Seuss. For some reason I've not brought out nursery rhymes. I need to get that book out again. The big girls loved them so much that our book is quite worn.

Adelynn has been demonstrating her nursery rhyme as learned in class to us all day. But what I really like is that in between her chanting the rhyme as learned she is experimenting with other ways to use her clock and mouse. She refers to that created play as her puppet show. Did I forget to mention that if I use the "wrong" time she gives me this face? Well, she does, and in case you were wondering the mouse always finds itself stuck at 2 'o clock.


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