Marathon and Museum

An early morning in DC for us. We began with a half marathon to cheer on Daddy for his big run. He did very well. All that training paid off. After the marathon we stopped in at a restaurant for brunch and a reward beer for Keith. More like a gallon of beer. I've never seen a beer that large. Hilarious. While we were in town we took advantage of the perfect day to visit the Smithsonian museum of natural history. Adelynn loves dinosaurs so we had a plan to go see them. She of course was under the assumption that the dinosaurs would be alive but she was just as excited to see the fossils. Of course when you are little the discovery rooms are the highlight. She spent a good deal of time looking at everything. Looks like she loves binoculars and magnifying glasses. It would have been nice to stay longer to see more of the museum but we were all tired from our early day. I really needed a nap. Adelynn needed a nap and even Keith needed to rest. Having the Smithsonian museums nearby is such a tremendous asset if only we still lived in Arlington to make our journey there quicker. 


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