A Story in our Mess

I don't know about your house but ours seems to always have odd assortments of things scattered about. My bathroom counter this morning caught my eye. At first sight I felt frustrated and over burdened. More random clutter to put away added to the crammed full list of household chores. I took a step back and really looked at the cutter on my counter. What did I "see" in the mess? Beauty products for my hair and face represent the daily routines in my morning, toothpaste is evidence that we are making an effort to have clean teeth, contact solution that the Mister used in his flurry of getting ready for work, the diaper that my 2 year old still needs to wear after we try to potty but really end up in a complicated discussion about how she already went potty yesterday and that's sufficiently good for the rest of the week, that leaves the random items. Iron Man seems to be found all over the house these days. Today he's here because the littlest daughter sleeps with this toy and had him in her hands along with her blankies when she wandered into my room. I see the coins from the 6 year old who has been learning how to count money. That also means I'm finding coins all over the house in piles which makes me wonder if I have a Leprechaun problem too. The knock off lego brand football guy is one of many lego-y things in every corner of our home. What these things tell me are that I have small children in the home and we are in the thick of being a busy family. My bathroom is always a mess and most days it just makes me feel overwhelmed. I need to stop and look at the messages these clutter piles are telling me. Snapshots of our days, pieces of our daily interests, left behind as reminders of us. How are you "Seeing" the stories in your messes? Being positive and grateful for our family that's the key to conquering our perception of feeling engulfed with chores. #whatsyourmessyhousestory 


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